
What is Florida’s Modified Comparative Negligence Standard?

States across the U.S. manage negligence in personal injury claims differently. State comparative negligence laws determine the compensation amount, who can receive compensation after an accident, and who must pay the compensation.

As of March 2023, Florida determines negligence using the Modified Comparative Negligence Standard. This new bill has altered litigation across Florida and could impact your ability to receive compensation after an accident. 

Read on to learn more about Florida’s Modified Comparative Negligence standard and how it could impact your personal injury claim Continue reading “What is Florida’s Modified Comparative Negligence Standard?”

Common Excuses Insurance Companies Use to Deny or Low-Ball Claims

In a perfect world, your insurance company would pay you the compensation you deserve, no questions asked. Unfortunately, in reality, that’s simply not the case.  

Insurance companies look out for their bottom line – not their policyholders’ best interests. So, they’ll often find excuses to deny claims and avoid paying compensation. Common excuses include: Continue reading “Common Excuses Insurance Companies Use to Deny or Low-Ball Claims”

Is It Required to Give a Recorded Statement to the Insurer?

After being involved in an auto accident, you’ll begin the process of recovering compensation for damages, such as medical expenses. As part of this process, your insurance company will examine the crash and evaluate evidence to determine the amount of the compensation. 

During the claims process, your insurer may ask you to give a recorded statement. This statement will be considered with the rest of the evidence from the accident. But, are you required to provide this statement? Continue reading “Is It Required to Give a Recorded Statement to the Insurer?”

Common Injuries in Florida Slip and Fall Cases

Unintentional falls account for tens of thousands of hospitalizations in Florida each year. In many of these cases, a negligent party may be at fault for the resulting injuries. 

Keep reading to learn more about this type of personal injury case, including the most prevalent injuries in Florida slip and fall cases.  Continue reading “Common Injuries in Florida Slip and Fall Cases”

Understanding the Collateral Source Rule in Florida

The Collateral Source Rule in Florida helps determine the value of an injured victim’s compensation for past and future medical bills. It’s intended to ensure that victims receive their rightful compensation for medical expenses, regardless of their benefits or insurance coverage. However, for individuals with Medicare, Medicaid, or private insurance coverage, the Collateral Source Rule can be difficult to understand without the assistance of a trusted attorney

Keep reading to learn more about Florida’s Collateral Source Rule and what it may mean for your personal injury case in the Sunshine State.  Continue reading “Understanding the Collateral Source Rule in Florida”

What to Do Next if an Insurance Company Denies Your Claim

A denial notice from your insurance company after an auto accident is never welcome, especially as you’re trying to manage other post-crash stressors. But, rest assured: if an insurance company denies your claim, there are other steps you can take to receive compensation. 

What Causes Insurance Claim Denials in Florida?

First off, it’s important to remember that insurance companies are for-profit entities. To make as much money as possible, insurers aim to deny claims whenever possible or pay less than the full claim amount. So, while some claims are denied for legitimate reasons, others are denied or minimized due to formalities, loopholes, or even mistakes in the police report.  Continue reading “What to Do Next if an Insurance Company Denies Your Claim”

Things to Never Do After a Car Accident

After a car accident, with your adrenaline pumping, it can be difficult to act thoughtfully. But, your actions in the time immediately after a crash can determine your success in obtaining compensation for your losses. One mistake or offhand statement could compromise your insurance claim or ability to win an auto accident case. 

Try to avoid these missteps after a car accident:

Leaving the Scene

If you’ve sustained injuries in a car accident you should, of course, go to the hospital in an ambulance if necessary. But, otherwise, don’t drive away from the crash. Even if it seems like a minor incident, stay put. Unlawfully leaving the scene of a car accident is a criminal offense under Florida law.  Continue reading “Things to Never Do After a Car Accident”

Am I Required to Give a Recorded Statement to an Insurance Company After A Motor Vehicle Accident?

The time after an auto accident can be a whirlwind and a stressful one at that. But, during this crucial period, you may need to file an insurance claim to recover compensation for damages.

The claims process can be confusing, especially as you recover from an accident. So, if the insurance company asks for a recorded statement, you may wonder if you should oblige, or if doing so may hurt your claim. 

In this article, we’ll discuss whether you’re required to provide a recorded statement to an insurance company after an accident.  Continue reading “Am I Required to Give a Recorded Statement to an Insurance Company After A Motor Vehicle Accident?”

Can You Sue in Florida, as a No-Fault State, for Pain and Suffering after a Motor Vehicle Accident?

Yes! In Florida, a lawsuit can be filed and damages sought for pain and suffering where the driver has sustained a permanent injury! A no-fault state, like Florida, operates under a no-fault auto insurance system as provided by Florida Statutes. This means that state law requires drivers to have personal injury protection, PIP insurance, which only deals with a portion of the driver’s initial medical bills and lost wages up to the PIP coverage amount, no matter who is the at-fault party. 

Below, we will answer common questions regarding PIP insurance that you may have as an auto accident victim.  Continue reading “Can You Sue in Florida, as a No-Fault State, for Pain and Suffering after a Motor Vehicle Accident?”

Is My Florida Non-Compete Agreement Enforceable?

Non-compete agreements are a valuable way for employers to protect trade secrets, preserve confidential business information, and safeguard client relationships. However, for the agreement to provide these benefits, it must be enforceable. 

Read on to learn about enforceable non-compete agreements in Florida

What is a Non-Compete Agreement?

A non-compete agreement is designed to prevent employees from competing with the employer after the employment period is over. This type of agreement helps businesses retain employees by prohibiting them from using work experience for the benefit of a business competitor. It may also prohibit employees from working in the same profession for a certain period after the termination of their employment.  Continue reading “Is My Florida Non-Compete Agreement Enforceable?”