Common Excuses Insurance Companies Use to Deny or Low-Ball Claims

In a perfect world, your insurance company would pay you the compensation you deserve, no questions asked. Unfortunately, in reality, that’s simply not the case.  

Insurance companies look out for their bottom line – not their policyholders’ best interests. So, they’ll often find excuses to deny claims and avoid paying compensation. Common excuses include:

Inconsistent Evidence

Insurance companies will gather statements that you made about the crash, including police statements, conversations with your doctor, and even social media posts. They may hone in on inconsistencies in these statements to deny your claim. Contacting an attorney immediately after the crash can prevent this issue, as your attorney can advise you on making accurate, consistent statements. 

Recorded Statements

Similarly, your insurer may contact you to give a recorded statement about the crash. In this statement, they may ask you vague questions that are difficult to answer. Your answers may then be used as an excuse to deny your claim.  

Pre-Existing Conditions

If you have a pre-existing medical condition, the insurer may state that your current injuries resulted from that condition. This may allow them to deny your claim or only partially cover your medical expenses. 

Taking Too Long to File Your Claim

Time is of the essence for insurance claims. If you don’t file promptly after the crash, your insurance may use the delay as an excuse to deny your claim. An auto accident attorney can help ensure that your claim is filed on time to avoid any complications. 

Inadequate Evidence

An insurer may deny your claim due to insufficient evidence or documentation. This can be confusing, especially if you did provide documentation with your claim. However, it can be challenging for an auto accident victim to understand exactly what you need to send to the adjuster. 

The auto accident attorneys at Weldon & Rothman, PL can ensure that your claim is filed completely and accurately, corresponding directly with the insurance company to secure your maximum compensation. Schedule your free case review today!