What to Consider When You’re Hiring a Lawyer for Insurance Claims

The insurance claim process can be complicated, to say the least. Insurance claims are frequently denied, making it difficult to receive the compensation that you deserve after an accident. 

In many cases, people need legal representation to get their insurance claims approved on time and in full. Read on to learn about the factors to consider when hiring an insurance claim lawyer. 

When To Hire a Lawyer For an Insurance Claim

First off, let’s cover the types of insurance claims that you’ll likely need an attorney’s help to settle successfully:

  • Expensive claims

If you’re making a costly insurance claim, more is at stake. To ensure that you get the compensation that you deserve, you’ll benefit from legal representation. 

  • Complex claims

Complex insurance claims are innately more difficult to settle. An attorney can help you navigate the fine print for a faster resolution. 

  • Claims involving fault that’s difficult to establish

If it’s hard to establish fault in your insurance claim, it will be more difficult to resolve. A lawyer can gather evidence to prove fault in the claim and ensure that you’re fairly compensated. 

What To Consider When Hiring an Insurance Claim Attorney

After deciding that you need legal assistance for your insurance claim, you’ll need to find a qualified attorney. Finding the right attorney is crucial to ensuring that your claim is settled quickly and successfully. So, consider these tips during the hiring process:

  • Ask for references. 

All qualified insurance attorneys will be able to provide references from former clients. Checking these references will give you confidence in your attorney’s ability to successfully settle claims. 

  • Go local.

By working with a local insurance lawyer, you’ll benefit from the lawyer’s local connections and expertise. In many cases, local insurance lawyers are already acquainted with the local public adjusters, which can simplify the claim process.  

  • Schedule a free case review. 

Before hiring an insurance claim attorney, schedule a free consultation to learn what the attorney can offer for your case. 

The attorneys at Weldon & Rothman, PL offer aggressive representation for all types of insurance matters in Southwest Florida. Contact us today to schedule a free case review!