3 Common Injuries from Auto Accidents

Auto accidents happen frequently in America. In fact, there are about six million car accidents every year in the United States. With so many accidents happening all around us, it is no wonder that there are some injuries that are the most common in these types of accidents. Here are the three most common types of injuries that result from car accidents.

Whiplash / Spinal Injuries

Whiplash is the most common injury related to car accidents. Whiplash occurs when your body is thrown forward against your seat belt. While the seat belt prevents you from going through the windshield, it does not stop the force that drives your body forward upon impact. Often people with whiplash also have injuries from their seat belt itself, or from the air bags deploying.

Whiplash can cause serious injuries to your neck and back.  Often times, the injury will require either chiropractic treatment, physical therapy, pain management, and/or surgery. However, sometimes the symptoms may not be severe and it will only require time to heal. During that time, you may be unable to work. It is important that your symptoms and recommendations for time off be documented in your medical records by an appropriate medical provider.

Scrapes and Cuts

The next type of injury that is one of the most common in car accidents is scrapes, cuts, and abrasions. Windows and cracked interiors can break after impact, causing scrapes and cuts. But we often see the air bag itself causing skin tears and other abrasions.  Most of the time these are minor, but they can be quite severe. If your auto accident resulted in deep cuts or abrasions that will leave scarring on your face or other parts of your body that affect your wellbeing, you could be entitled to compensation for scarring and disfigurement in addition to general pain and suffering.

Head Injuries

Head injuries are also extremely common in auto accidents, even when you are wearing your seat belt. You could get head injuries from the dash, steering, or the airbags themselves. With a side impact, your head might hit the door window or the frame of the vehicle.

Head injuries can range from mild to severe. Some head injuries can result in lengthy hospital stays and long recoveries. It is important that all of these expenses and lost wages are compensated.

If you have been in an auto accident that was the fault of someone else and you have sustained these or other injuries, contact us today for a free consultation to ensure that you are getting fair compensation.